Palm Thin Treo Pro - newest smart phone, the Treo Pro, which debutd today. While getting high-quality reviews for the new features of Palm, the device is also glimmer speculation about why the third place mobile phone maker went to market with no carrier partner Palm is aiming to capture a greater piece of the sell share as the industry continues to experience 2-digit growth over last year. The seller, which held 13.16-percent share on market since the first quarter this year 2008, is following associate cell phone makers that are continually hanging their new devices to attract users.

Palm's Thin Treo Pro - newest smart phone, the Treo Pro, which debutd today. While getting high-quality reviews for the new features of Palm’s, the device is also glimmer speculation about why the third place mobile phone maker went to market with no carrier partner.

Palm is aiming to capture a greater piece of the sell share as the industry continues to experience 2-digit growth over last year. The seller, which held 13.16-% share on market since the first quarter this year 2008, is following associate cell phone makers that are continually hanging their new devices to attract users.